LEVIA comes from a combination Of the words "LEISURE" and "VIA", the latter meaning by way of.
This name emphasizes the highly accessible nature of the development, especially with surrounding lifestyle amenities and opportunities, inviting people to start a life journey that is easier, enjoyable, and exciting.
of the words "Leisure" and "Via", the latter meaning by way of.
This name emphasizes the highly accessible nature of the development, especially with surrounding lifestyle amenities and opportunities, inviting people to start a life journey that is easier, enjoyable, and exciting.
Level 36
Sky Lounge & Garden Deck
Level 6
Garden Walkway
Pool Deck
Pool Cabana & Shallow Pool
Swimming Pool
Courtyard Garden
Pool Lounge
Sunken Yoga Deck
Water Feature Courtyard
Forest Garden
Sports Lounge
Grill Deck
Farm Kitchen
Open Green Lawn
Fitness Garden
Herb Garden
Outdoor Co-Working Deck
Kids’ Playground
Kids’ Pool
Garden Lounge
Function Pavilion Hall
Main Lobby Hall